September 2005 MAC
Observing Session
September 2005
After another cloudy and hazy South Carolina summer, everyone was
about stir crazy to see some clear skies. The weather forecast for the
Labor Day weekend looked promising, so plans were made to hold a campout at
MAC-Hunter on both Friday and Saturday nights to take maximum advantage of the
holiday weekend. We had fifteen to twenty visitors both nights, with
several observers and astro-photographers from both MAC and the Roper Mountain
Astronomers making a whole weekend out of it and staying both nights. Lots
of good food and Gene's hospitality in providing shower facilities at his house
made it a very enjoyable campout!
Even though Friday was
a good night as far as September nights go, Saturday was outstandingly dark and
clear. One of the observers was overheard to comment that it was a 10.5
out of 10!