NGC 6992 - The Network Nebula in Cygnus


Copyright 2008 Hap Griffin

The Network Nebula is the eastern portion of the much larger complex known as the Veil Nebula complex.  It is caused by an expanding shockwave from a supernova that exploded in the area some 10,000 years ago.  The Nebula is not part of the remains of the original supernova star, but the result of the expanding shockwave interacting with pre-existing gases in the area heating them to millions of degrees and causing them to glow with their characteristic colors.  

NGC6992 lies at a distance of 1500 light years.

Date/Location:    October 31, 2008     Griffin/Hunter Observatory    Bethune, SC
Instrument:    Canon 40D (modified) Digital SLR through Orion 10" Newtonian on an Astro-Physics AP-1200 mount 
Focal Ratio:   f/4.7
Guiding:    Auto through Takahashi FS-102NSV w/ SBIG ST-402
Conditions:    Visually clear
Weather:    50 - 32 degrees F, still
Exposure: 303 minutes @ ISO 1600 (101 x 3 min exposures)
Filters:    Baader UV/IR block internal to camera
Processing:    Focused, captured, RAW conversions, frame calibrations, alignment, Digital Development with ImagesPlus v3.50a.  Final tweaking with Photoshop CS2.
