M67 - Open Star Cluster in Cancer


Copyright 2008 Hap Griffin

At 4 billion years of age, M67 is one of the oldest open clusters in our galaxy.  Being roughly the same age as our solar system, it contains over 100 stars of the same type and chemical composition as our sun and indeed is the target of many studies of solar type stars.

M67 lies at a distance of 2700 light years.  


Date/Location:    October 31, 2008     Griffin/Hunter II Observatory    Bethune, SC
Instrument:    Canon 40D (modified IR filtering) Digital SLR through 10" Orion Newtonian w/MPCC 
Focal Ratio:   f/ 4.7
Guiding:    SBIG ST-402 through Takahashi FS-102
Conditions:    Cold and clear
Weather:    32 F
Exposure: 27 minutes total (9 x 3 minute @ ISO 800)
Filters:    Baader UV/IR block internal to camera
Processing:    Focused and captured,  RAW to TIFF conversion, flat frame calibration, Digital Development, resizing and JPEG conversion in ImagesPlus.  Final tweaking in Photoshop CS2.
