M57 - The Ring Nebula in Lyra
Copyright 2003 Thom Iwancio
M57 is a smoke ring...the gaseous remnants of the outer layers of a star blown off by a convulsion as it neared the end of its nuclear-burning life. This type of nebula is known as a "planetary nebula" because it could easily be mistaken by a casual observer as a planet due to its round shape and apparent size. The remaining core of the original star shines at magnitude 15 in the center of the complex and is a planet-sized white dwarf which was probably sun-like in size during its normal lifetime. It was discovered in 1800. M57 lies at a distance of approximately 2300 light years.
April 26, 2003 Iwancio-Hodge
Observatory Bethune, SC
Instrument: SBIG ST-5C through 8" Orion Newtonian
Focal Ratio:
Guiding: Track and accumulate
Conditions: Visually clear with moderate high level water
Weather: 50 F, Still wind
Exposure: 30 x 30 seconds
Filters: None