M8 - The Lagoon Nebula in Sagittarius

Copyright 2002 John Hodge

Messier's object number 17 is known commonly as the Swan nebula, the Omega nebula, the Horseshoe nebula and in some circles the Lobster nebula.  It lies at a distance between 5000 and 6000 light years and is a region of star formation, as evidenced by the relatively young open cluster to the left in this photo.


Date/Location:    August 2002     Iwancio-Hodge Observatory    Bethune, SC
Instrument:    SBIG ST-7 through 12" LX-200 
Focal Ratio:   f 10
Guiding:    Auto via ST-7
Conditions:    Visually clear, but with moderate high level water vapor
Filters:    None
