Antares Region in Scorpio and the Prancing Pony
Copyright 2007 Hap Griffin
the right side of the photograph can be seen the region detailed in the Antares
and Rho Ophiucus photograph. Dark lanes of dust can be seen streaming
to the east (to the left) towards the Milky Way. The center of our galaxy
is the bright reddish patch at the lower left corner. The complex strands
of dark matter blocking our view of the stars beyond in the Milky Way resemble a
prancing pony (turn your head to the left) and this region is often called by
that name. The bright visitor to this region is the planet Jupiter, seen
in the very center of the photograph.
May 24, 2007 Griffin/Hunter Observatory Bethune, SC
Instrument: Canon 350XT Digital SLR (modified) through Nikon
50mm F/1.4 lens
Focal Ratio: F/2.0
Guiding: None - piggybacked on Meade RCX-400 telescope
Conditions: Visually clear
Weather: 60 F
Exposure: 54 minutes total (18 x 3 minutes)
Filters: Baader UV/IR Block
Processing: Focused and captured with DSLRFocus.
RAW to TIFF conversion, auto-dark and flat frame calibration, Digital
Development, Richardson-Lucy deconvolution, resizing and JPEG conversion in
ImagesPlus. Color correction in Photoshop CS2.